Monday, October 1, 2012

The Believing Game Pt2

Facebook, while a solid social media is sadly rather a pox upon humanity as a whole. Now that I have your attention, while it is a solid social networking tool, many employers will be watching what you’re more embarrassing secrets will be and could cost people their jobs. Also it leads to the so-called “Facebook Stalking”,leading to attention neither welcomed nor desired. And really finally the problem is that it takes us always from just meeting each other in person hiding behind the Screen of a computer instead of enjoying, say the lovely weather.

Believing game

The Facebook Good/Bad?


               Facebook is a very interesting social media that has become a hub within our lives, allowing us to keep in touch of each other without the use of the cell phone or person-to-person meetings. It has led to very interesting comments (even embarrassing ones!) throughout its existence. Not only is it a social media engine to keep up with friends far away, or to meet new ones, it gives us a myriad of mini-games and applications like Farmville or even Bejeweled. Being engaged in Facebook is nothing but a good thing by in large even with its faults.

Test Video


Test Post

This is a test, in advance of the Sky's Falling Blogs endless wonder and whatnot.

A wonderful view of a nights sky. See website below for more information.